วันพุธที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Code :: Tumblr Infinite Scrolling Instructions

Tumblr Infinite Scrolling Instructions Method 1

Copy(Ctlr+c) and the following line of javascript code into your description box to make your blog endless scroll. It doesn’t matter if the description already has text or anything else, since this script won’t show up.
  1. Go To Customize Appereance >> Description and paste the following script:
         <script type="text/javascript" src="http://codysherman.com/tools/infinite-scrolling/code"></script>
     2.Save and Close and check if it works.

Tumblr Infinite Scrolling Instructions Method 2

  1. Remove the script you pasted in the description as indicated above
  2. Go to Customize Appereance >> Edit HTML
  3. Paste that same code right above the </head> tag.
  4. Test again if it works.

Tumblr Infinite Scrolling Instructions Method 3

  1. Keep the code you inserted in the description, do not erase it.
  2. Before each post type [e.g. {block:Posts }] tag within your theme html, paste the following code:
  3. <div class = "autopagerize_page_element" > 
  4. After each closing post type tag [e.g. {/block:Posts}], paste the following code:
  5. </div>


