forget-me-nots by katfaerie featuring Oasis scarves
The mouse-ear forget-me-not, Myosotis laxa, has now
extended its racemes very much, and hangs over the edge of the
brook. It is one of the most interesting minute flowers. It is the more
beautiful for being small and unpretending; even flowers must be modest.
-Henry David Thoreau
vintage girl by katfaerie featuring a bow belt
“You may wear your virtues as a crown,
As you walk through life serenely,
And grace your simple rustic gown
With a beauty more than queenly.
Though only one for you shall care,
One only speak your praises;
And you never wear in your shining hair,
A richer flower than daisies.”
― Phoebe Cary
“You may wear your virtues as a crown,
As you walk through life serenely,
And grace your simple rustic gown
With a beauty more than queenly.
Though only one for you shall care,
One only speak your praises;
And you never wear in your shining hair,
A richer flower than daisies.”
― Phoebe Cary